Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Move of the Day: About It

Everyone who wants to be a ballerina has to start somewhere. This is why I am doing "Move of the Day." This will consist of positions, moves, steps, what to do, etc. You can learn to do steps and maybe even put them together in a dance. On occasion, I will post a song and the instructions will be stated in the post. Here is an example:

Dancing Queen by the cast of Mama Mia

Instructions: Jam out with a friend or by yourself using whatever moves you want. Make them up! Do the moonwalk! Show personality! If you are brave enough, video it and send the video to me! (Don't worry. It will NOT be posted on the blog unless specifically asked to.) Have FUN!! :)

Now, they will not all be like this. I may relate the song to ballet and tell you to use your favorite ballet moves. You never know what to expect! Just remember, I am posting these moves for an opportunity to try a new move, break out an old move, or simply to learn or have fun. If you do not get it the first time, a quote that i like to use is:

“Success is getting up one more time than you fall down.”
~~Rev. Darrell W. Boswell

Also remember:

"If to dance is to dream, then you make dreams come true."
~~Model: Franziska S. Kamera

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog and the gorgeous layout, pictures, quotes, information and fun facts. I also love the music. I look forward to following you in the future!
